Tim’s Mentors

Burt Reynolds
Actor Burt Reynolds Classic Films: Deliverance, Longest Yard, Gator, White Lightning, Smokey and the Bandit, Sharky’s Machine, etc.

Clint Eastwood
Actor & Director. Best known for the Spaghetti Westerns with Sergio Leone. As Harry Callahan in the Dirty Harry films. Know for his one-liners.

Hal Needham
Famous stuntman, director known for his work directing the hit films such as “Smokey & The Bandit”, “Hooper”, “Cannon Ball Run”.

RG Armstrong
Famous character actor from the late 50’s. Starred in Western movies and various t.v. shows. His success carried out into the early 2000’s.

Sergio Leone
Famous Itilian director, Directed Spaghetti Westerns such as Fist Full of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good The Bad and The Ugly etc.

Boris Karloff
Famous for his role in Frankenstein in 1931, directed by James Whale. Karloff went on to succeed as a great actor in Hollywood and on stage.